Statement of Faith

Throughout church history, from the time of the Apostles to present day, Christians have laid out their beliefs in clear and succinct statements. As followers of Christ, we believe that it is good and beneficial to lay out in a concise manner the truths in which we believe and teach as guided by the Scriptures. 

GCC has chosen to use an adapted version of the Abstract of Principles with modifications from the Baptist Faith and Message 2000. By registering our belief in historic Christianity we stand upon the shoulders of those who have gone before us in identifying, explaining, and rejoicing in the truths we have received. Through this statement we confess our faith to God and to the world.

Statement of Faith
Additional Affirmations

Core Values

At GCC we focus our ministries on these 6 core values to exalt God, edify the saints, and engage the world.

We believe in the inerrancy, authority, and sufficiency of Scripture and that it is the primary means in which the church of Christ is conformed into the image of the Son. Therefore, we are committed to proclaim the Word of God faithfully and center all our teaching upon the Scriptures.

God being our Creator and Redeemer makes Him worthy of our worship. He is to be glorified through all of life worship. Therefore, we are committed to worshiping Him in our corporate gatherings and calling our members to live in such a way that everything we do, we do for His glory.

Christ commanded His disciples to make disciples. Therefore, as followers of Jesus Christ we are committed to this call and our ministries will be designed to help others follow Jesus, so that they in turn can faithfully do the same.

All believers are called to serve Christ faithfully and God has blessed the church with elders/pastors who hold the responsibility to equip, train, and build up the Saints for gospel ministry. Therefore, we are committed to equipping every member to joyfully serve Christ in the capacities which He has gifted them.

Our new life in Christ was never intended to be lived alone. The church is depicted in the New Testament as the body of Christ and the people of God. Our Christian life and maturity are experienced within the community of the Saints. Therefore, we are committed to regularly gathering together and to live in community with one another.

We are committed to the declaration of the gospel, evangelism to the lost, and the multiplication of healthy disciples of Christ. We believe that the church is the primary vehicle which God is using to proclaim his gospel. Therefore, it is our hope, that by God’s grace, we can carry out this call by assisting in the planting of future churches for the glory of God.


Here at GCC we desire to align ourselves to these historical distinctives.

Here at GCC we believe that born-again believers are welcomed into membership through baptism upon a credible profession of faith. We believe that the local church is an autonomous entity. Concurrently, we believe that local churches can best promote the cause of Jesus Christ by partnering with other like-minded churches and entities when appropriate.

At GCC, we broadly hold to a historically reformed and baptistic theology. We affirm the “Five Solas” of the Protestant Reformation: that we are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, according to Scripture alone, for the glory of God alone.  

GCC believes that the final authority in a local church ultimately rests with the members of the congregation. Therefore, members excercise their authority by being the final court of appeal in matters in relation to (1) membership, (2) doctrine, and (3) discipline. 

GCC believes that the New Testament teaches that every local church is to be led by a plurality of elders (1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9, 1 Timothy 5:17-20, Acts 20:16-38, 1 Peter 5:1-4, Hebrews 13:17). We affirm that an elder is synonymous with the biblical identifiers as “pastor”, “bishop”, and “overseer.” The primary work of an elder is to provide oversight for the church and “to equip the saints for the work of the ministry, for building up the body of Christ” (Ephesian 4:12). 

We believe that the Bible teaches that every local church should be served by deacons. Deacons are those who meet the qualifications in 1 Timothy 3:8-13. They are committed to serving the church with the aim of upholding unity for greater gospel effectiveness (Acts 6:1-7). Deacons do not provide oversight, rather come alongside the elders to acomplish the necessary tasks given by the elders and affirmed by the church to serve the members. 

Church Covenant

A church covenant is a promise made to God and one another by members of a local church to live together distinctly as a body, by the grace of God. Church covenants have been historically used as statements which were professed and even cited by local churches during parts of their liturgy. This was done to reaffirm their commitment to the Lord and to one another. 

Here at GCC we see the benefit of having a church covenant and intend to use it to draw out the New Testament's teachings and unite our members together to express a meaningful membership that holds each other accountable to the Lord and one another.

Every new member coming into membership at GCC will familiarize themselves and affirm their commitment to the church covenant upon entering into membership. We recite our church covenant together whether it be during the Lord’s Day or during our members meeting.

Since we have been brought wholly of Divine grace to repent and believe in Jesus Christ and coupled this faith with baptism in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, we fully trust and rely on his grace as we renew our covenant with each other.

We will uphold the unity of the church and seek to outdo one another in showing honor, love, and genuine care.

We will honor our Elders in whom God has called to care for our souls, upholding them to the standard of Scripture and submitting to them so that they will lead us with joy.

We will walk together, living life in such a way that we rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn.

We will, by the help of the Spirit, pursue godliness together, putting off the desires of the old self and walking in obedience to the Lord in the new.

We will work towards exhorting one another to flee from our sins and to forgive one another when we sin against each other.

We will not forsake the assembling together nor neglect to pray for one another.

We will joyfully and graciously give financially to support the expenses and gospel ministry of the church.

We will encourage one another to faithfully seek the salvation of the lost within our family, friends, and beyond.

May the love of our God, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the unity of the Holy Spirit sustain us as all, amen.


Below is a link to our most recent and update Constitution.