We are finishing the first half of the letter to the Ephesians. In the first half from chapters 1-3 Paul has been laying out these truths of the church's identity in Christ:
1. The church has been blessed by the supreme blesser.
2. The church has been blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places.
3. Paul prays that the church would mature in this blessed hope.
4. The church should remind themselves of who they were before Christ and what God has done for them.
5. Salvation through grace in Christ unifies a once divided people.
6. The mystery of the gospel is that Gentiles are now partakes of the promises of God.
7. God has set forth his majestic eternal plan of salvation, through the mystery of the gospel to establish the church for his own glory.
For this week our focus is:
Paul prays for the spiritual strength of the Ephesian church